The Texecom Connect app lets you access and control your security system directly from your smartphone or tablet.
Make your home or business smarter. Connect all your devices so you can control and automate your lighting, heating, power, video, appliances, etc., all with one app, Texecom Connect.
All settings and automation controls are safely contained and all notifications and communications are fully encrypted and secure.
Texecom Connect puts you in control of who can use the app and what level of access they have. You decide. You control.
View live security footage from your Texecom Connect app, anywhere you are, giving you 24/7 peace of mind.
Custom pre-set controls allow you to activate your security, your way, with one click.
Whether you have a retail store, a school or a home, your Texecom Connect app gives you the security and peace of mind you need. Find out how it can be used in different environments: